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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Ferber

Having a lush green lawn is easy! Just remember these three things.

1) Healthy soil means healthy grass!

All plants need sun and nutrients to grow and thrive. You can't control the sun, but you can make sure your soil has these essential elements:

- Nitrogen

- Phosphorus

- Potassium

- Calcium

- Magnesium

- Sulfur

Grass needs these nutrients in larger quantities, however, most soils have enough phosphorus. Twice a year liming can add calcium and magnesium, while improving pH. Grass grows best in soil with a pH of around 6.5 (0-7 is acidic; 7-14 is alkaline). At this pH micronutrients (boron, chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, and zinc) will be available for the grass to uptake. When pH is either too high or too low other plants, like moss, will flourish NOT your grass!

Although nutrient availability is important, do not over fertilize! It leads to rapid growth and thatch buildup. Also, limit your use of herbicides and pesticides. These products can kill earth worms which are important for soil aeration.

2) Watering is not needed everyday! Water only when the soil is dry.

Many homeowners over water their lawn. Most grass species only need about one inch of water each week. Over watering can lead to increased disease, insects, and weeds. Additionally, thirst encourages root growth. The longer the roots the tougher the lawn. Really, its a win win! Less worrying about watering, and turf that doesn't turn into mud when trampled.

To increase the amount of water available to your grass, water in the early morning. There is less sun, meaning less evaporation, and they will have water throughout the day during photosynthesis.

3) Only cut 1/3 of grass blade every mow.

The time you save from less watering, you may make up in more frequent mows. You should only be cutting 1/3 of the grass blade each time. Cutting off a greater length is more stressful for the grass. Any time you cut or prune a plant they must dedicate precious resources to repair. Having a sharp blade is also very helpful to limit damage to your lawn while mowing.

Email if you have questions about lawn care, or about getting onto our schedule for regular maintenance!*


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